Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Economy Woes: Democrats' Fault

The current economic downturn (recession, if you prefer) will not end any time soon. The mortgage crisis still has not hit bottom. Foreclosures are still mounting. More people are filing bankruptsy and the claims for unemployment have been steadily rising. This was caused by greedy lenders in the sub-prime market making loans to people who had no business taking out loans in the first place.

But the main factor for this economic mess can be placed on the laps of Democrats.

Oil prices are continuing to reach record levels. The problem there is being caused by oil speculators, rising demands from India and China, artificially low output and inadequate refining. The last new oil refinery was opened in the U.S. in 1976, which was 32 years ago when Gerald Ford was president. Thanks to liberal Democrats and their environmental wacko allies, new refinery construction has been blocked. Much of the problem is also being caused by the weakness of the dollar (a direct result of the credit crunch).

Liberal Democrats and environmental wackos are preventing new oil exploration in the United States. There's plenty of oil, but they are not allowing the exploration or drilling for these oil sources. Some industry analysts have said that gasoline prices may even reach ten dollars per gallon ($10.00/gallon).

These problems are being caused by liberals and environmentalists, yet they demonize the oil producers. It has been proposed to put federal gasoline taxes (18%) on a "holiday" during the summer driving months. This proposal is supported by Senators McCain and Clinton. Obama opposes it. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) says that the oil companies should "pay for it [the tax holiday]." There is no way that oil companies will pay for it. Three trillion dollars are taken from the taxpayers by the federal government. They also are blocking proposals for a national energy policy.

Nuclear power is another solution that has also been killed by these groups.

If you think things are bad now, just wait and see what happens if Democrats take the White House and increase their majorities in Congress this November.

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