Friday, April 25, 2008

McCain Out of Touch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican U.S. presidential candidate John McCain accused North Carolina's Republican Party of being "out of touch with reality" over its refusal to pull an advertisement criticizing Democrat Barack Obama.

In an NBC interview aired on Friday, the Arizona senator said he has done all he can to persuade the state party to cancel the television ad that criticizes Obama as "too extreme" because of controversial remarks made by his former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

"They're not listening to me because they're out of touch with reality and the Republican Party. We are the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan and this kind of campaigning is unacceptable," McCain told NBC's "Today" Show.

Since when is telling the truth puts anyone "out of touch"? Sorry, Senator. You have made it your mantra that you are a "maverick" within the GOP. Now you don't like it when a state's party organization decides not to kow-tow to your demands. It is not a racist ad and nothing otherwise wrong with it.

Next, you badmouthed the Bush Administration's handling of the Katrina disaster, deservedly so. But you stood silent over the handling by the Louisiana governor and the New Orleans mayor.

If you expect conservatives to support you and respect you, you will have to earn it first. It seems to me that you need to look in a mirror to find out who is out of touch.

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