Sunday, July 20, 2008

Obama Gives Foreign Press Cold Shoulder

Source: Washington Post

Senator Barack Obama is in the middle of his Mideast/European "happening" (as a fawning network anchor refers to it). However, it appears that The Messiah is giving the foreign press the cold shoulder. And they are resenting it.

German correspondent Christoph von Marschall writes in today's Washington Post:

Barack Obama is on his way to Europe, where an adoring public awaits. But I wonder if the reception would be quite so enthusiastic if Obama's fans across the Atlantic knew a dirty little secret of his remarkable presidential campaign: Although Obama portrays himself as the best candidate to engage the rest of the world and restore America's image abroad, and many Americans support him for that reason, so far he has almost completely refused to answer questions from foreign journalists. When the press plane leaves tonight for his trip, there will be, as far as I know, no foreign media aboard. The Obama campaign has refused multiple requests from international reporters to travel with the candidate.

As a German correspondent in Washington, I am accustomed to the fact that American politicians spare little of their limited time for reporters from abroad. This is understandable: Our readers, viewers and listeners cannot vote in U.S. elections. Even so, Obama's opponents have managed to make at least a small amount of time for international journalists. John McCain has given many interviews. Hillary Clinton gave a few. President Bush regularly holds round-table interviews with media from the countries to which he travels. Only Obama dismisses us so consistently.

One of his campaign advisers told me recently: "Why should we take the time for foreign media, since there is Obamania around the world?"

Sounds like another case of the "Audacity of Vanity" that Charles Krauthammer wrote of last weekend, or, as Marschall writes, "Or perhaps we're witnessing the arrogance that comes from being so close to power."

Once the foreign press smells blood, they will take off after Obama mercilessly. We shall soon see.

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