Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Obama's Nightmare: Trip Backfires, McCain Leads

In trying to look "presidential" while on his "world tour," Barack Obama's poll numbers indicate that the trip to the Middle East and Europe didn't help him. In fact, the trip may have caused a backlash.

The USA Today/Gallup poll shows McCain leading Obama by four points, 49 percent to Obama's 45 percent, among likely voters.

The very same poll in June had McCain trailing by six points to the Illinois senator. Among registered voters, McCain polled just three points behind Obama, which is a statistical dead heat.

The USA Today/Gallup poll is also consistent with the findings of the Rasmussen tracking poll, that shows Obama with a three-point lead, again, a statistical tie.

Two things could be in play here. One, Obama was overexposed by the media, thereby turning off voters by the fawning coverage. Two, the apparent arrogance of Obama appears to be becoming more obvious to viewers, especially with his "citizen of the world" speech in Berlin.

Obama's gaffe in Baghdad in disclosing contents of his conversations with the leadership there may also be a factor. It exposed him to be the amateur that he is and that he's too much of a lightweight for the White House.


  1. Gee, that's funny since EVERY OTEHR POLL shows Obama LEADING as of 7/21-7/30.
    Gallup - Obama 45 McCain 44
    Rassmussen - Obama 48 McCain 46
    CNN - Obama 51 McCain 44
    USA Today - Obama 45 McCain 49
    Pew Research - Obama 47 McCain 42
    Democracy Corp - Obama 50 McCain 45
    FOX NEWS - Obama 41 McCain 40
    NBC/Wall St - Obama 47 McCain 41
    OVERALL - Obama 46.8 McCain 43.9

    And what's contributing to McCain's negatives? No clear & consistant platform, constant flip-flops on positions and daily gaffes that led Douglas Holtz-Eakin, McCain’s chief economic adviser to state that McCain does not speak for the McCain campaign. Even conservatives don't like him.

    While Obama has been consistant with his platform and is being embraced by his base and independents. How else do you explain the negatives of the incumbent party? Face it because your opinions are not supported by the facts. Cheers! :)

  2. Polls really depend what kinds of questions are asked (and how) and the methods of samplings.

    Basically, they're in a dead heat.

    I am not a huge fan of McCain either, but I consider him a far better choice than Obama, who has a thin resume with very little experience. He's been flip-flopping all over as well.

    Keep in mind the Bradley Effect (Google it). That may be a factor on Election Day.

    McCain is running a slightly better campaign than Bob Dole did, which isn't saying much.

  3. That's a very honest reply. Although still while you dismiss polls as being being biased in their questioning you're still not above posting one poll that shows McCain above Obama while 7 others reputable polls show Obama beating McCain. It's quite remarkable that the incumbent party is lagging behind the Democrats in any event. I look forward to the debates.

  4. I didn't say they were biased, read my response again. Many of your polls show Obama with a slight lead within the margin of error, which means a statistical dead heat.

    If you look at the last several presidential campaigns at this point on the calendar, you will find the Democrat ahead by double-digits.

    The closeness of these polls indicate that Obama is in trouble.
