Thursday, August 21, 2008

Democrats getting desperate!

The Democrats are getting desperate! The Obama campaign has unveiled a new ad on John McCain's "gaffe" on how many homes he has. He said he didn't know, but the Dems pointed out that it's seven.

Chances are, they are mainly owned by Mrs. McCain.

However, it is a sign of desperation on the Obama campaign's part they they have to stoop to this level and it also opens up the issue of sweetheart deals that Obama and other Democrats obtained from Countrywide and convicted felon Tony Rezko. Talk about leading with your jaw! A sweetheart deal is one in which a politician gets a deal that is not available to the ordinary person, presumably for political favors.

From the Chicago Sun-Times from November 5, 2006:

U.S. Sen. Barack Obama expressed regret late Friday for his 2005 land purchase from now-indicted political fundraiser Antoin "Tony" Rezko in a deal that enlarged the senator's yard.

"I consider this a mistake on my part and I regret it," Obama told the Chicago Sun-Times in an exclusive and revealing question-and-answer exchange about the transaction.

In June 2005, Obama and Rezko purchased adjoining parcels in Kenwood. The state's junior senator paid $1.65 million for a Georgian revival mansion, while Rezko paid $625,000 for the adjacent, undeveloped lot. Both closed on their properties on the same day.


It was the terms of loans to two Senators—Democrats Chris Dodd of Connecticut and Kent Conrad of North Dakota—that set off a firestorm on Capitol Hill after reported last month that they had received discounts on two loans each as part of a program the mortgage-lending giant maintained for powerful borrowers. The most recent issue of Condé Nast Portfolio reports how the Countrywide practice extended beyond Dodd and Conrad, involving congressmen, judges, and journalists, all in an attempt by Countrywide to curry favor.

It is also hypocritical as John Kerry (through his wife), the 2004 Democratic nominee, has a number of homes and let's not forget the Kennedy fortune.

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