Friday, August 8, 2008

Five GOP Senators Sabotaging McCain

Source: Kimberly A. Strassel - Wall Street Journal

Five GOP senators are sabotaging Senator McCain's presidential campaign by forming a "Gang of Ten" to introduce an energy bill "compromise."

The five Republicans are Sens. Lindsey Graham, John Thune, Saxby Chambliss, Bob Corker and Johnny Isakson. Their proposed bill includes:

New production on offshore federal lands is left to state legislatures, and then in only four coastal states. The regulatory hurdles are huge. And the bill bars drilling within 50 miles of the coast -- putting off limits some of the most productive areas. Alaska's oil-rich Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is still a no-go.

The highlight is instead $84 billion in tax credits, subsidies and federal handouts for alternative fuels and renewables. The Gang of 10 intends to pay for all this in part by raising taxes on . . . oil companies!

This amounts to a life-saver being tossed to Barack Obama's campaign and political sabotage against Sen. John McCain.

After Rush Limbaugh today got wind of this news, the angry calls have been flooding the switchboards of the five Republicans.

The weirdest part is that the energy/oil issue has been paying political dividends for Republicans as people are realizing that the Democrats and their environmental extremist allies have been blocking new oil drilling and new refineries for the past 30 years and are now the main stumbling blocks in getting lower oil prices and weaning us off of foreign oil.

Incredibly, this is going on in the Senate while House Republicans are still taking the floor of the darkened House chamber demanding that Congress be reconvened to debate and vote on an energy bill.

Signing on to the Democrats' energy no-drill and tax scheme is a horrible idea!

Go to the link at top of this post to read the full article.

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