Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Obama Campaign's Stalinist Tactics

The New York Times wrote today:

DENVER — As Senator Obama’s campaign makes its argument for his candidacy before a national audience here this week, it is waging a separate, forceful campaign against a new conservative group running millions of dollars of ads linking him to the 1960s radical William Ayers Jr.

Lawyers for the campaign have asked the Justice Department to investigate the group — which is operating under rules governing non-profit corporations — calling on television stations to cease airing the spot, and, campaign officials said, planning to pressure advertisers on stations that refuse to do so. The ad is running in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan.

The Obama campaign wants the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate the American Issues Project, who sponsored the ad. I don't believe that a political campaign tried to sic the DOJ on political opponents before. This has the smell of Stalinism in the old Soviet Union.

The campaign is also contacting television stations and is intimidating them to not run the ad. Threats?

These call to question on what actions a "President Obama" would do against political opponents if he is elected and has the reigns of power. Would he try to also jail his opponents? Food for thought.

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