Wednesday, August 20, 2008

White House Ghost?

Back during the Truman Administration, the White House underwent an extensive renovation.  The executive mansion was gutted during this work.  While the White House was being renovated, the Trumans lived in Blair House, located across the street.  It was during that period that an assassination attempt was made against Truman.

Last night, Joshua P. Warren was on Coast-To-Coast AM with George Noory and mentioned a photo of the White House interior with a photo of an apparent ghost.

According to Warren, "A few years ago, Bob Martin was reading David McCullough's book Truman, and a photo of construction in the White House caught his eye. It was taken during remodeling around 1950 by National Parks Service photographer Abbie Rowe. The apparent apparition is clear and startling. Compared to the other men in the photo, its size scale is accurate. And if this were due to some motion or long exposure effect, the rest of the photo should be affected, as well."


Here is the photo (click on for full view):

White House Ghost

Here is a closer look at what appears to be a ghost (click on for full view):

White House Ghost

And here is a blow-up of the apparition:

White House Ghost

Interesting, eh? What do you think?


  1. You put some great pics on this blog of yours Armand. from Ciara at WS

  2. Excellent example of the human brain's ability to see apparently meaningful patterns where none actually exist. It's almost in the shape of a body; big deal. Keep looking for your proof of ghosts.
