Sunday, November 23, 2008

Media Bias For Obama Admitted

Above, my favorite political cartoon on 2008 media bias.

Not that it comes to any surprise to those who closely followed the 2008 presidential campaign, but Time Magazine's Mark Halperin admits that the media's coverage of Barack Obama was clearly biased in Obama's favor.

Cover-ups of Obama's radical and corrupt associations, hit pieces against Cindy McCain and puff pieces for Michelle Obama are just the tip of the iceberg of media bias. reports:

The mainstream media's support for Barack Obama's presidential campaign was so biased that even major insiders are now admitting they were shocked by its depth and depravity.

Last week, Time magazine's Mark Halperin called the media's performance during the campaign simply "disgusting."

Halperin told a panel of media analysts at the Politico/USC conference on the 2008 election, "It's the most disgusting failure of people in our business since the Iraq war."

He added, "It was extreme bias, extreme pro-Obama coverage."

Small wonder Obama won the election. Besides reneging on his pledge to take public financing, Obama outspent John McCain by 2 to 1. That, plus the media's biased reporting, the only way Obama would have lost the election was if he made a major gaffe.

In an earlier blog, I noted that 2008 would be known as the death of journalism. Now we are getting confirmation of this. The media will never be trusted again by Republicans and conservatives.

To read the full article, go here.

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