Saturday, November 8, 2008

More Obama Hubris

At Barack Obama's press conference yesterday, he stood behind a podium with the above sign. My initial thought was that I don't remember a past president-elect with such signage. Then it struck me that the graphics are similar to the jettisoned "possum" "Great Seal of Obama" he briefly had back in the campaign.

The hubris of this man seems to have no limits! I guess he can't wait to have the real presidential seal to stand behind. All hail His Majesty King Barack The Spreader!

UPDATE (11/11/08):

Newsmax posts:

Barack Obama has created a stir by proclaiming that he heads “The Office of President-Elect” — an office that does not officially exist.

At his first news conference on Nov. 7, Obama stood at a podium bearing a sign that read: “Office of the President-Elect. Also, his Web site,, bears the words “Office of the President-Elect” at the top of its home page.

Writer Larry Anderson referred to the “made-up little title” on the American Thinker Web site, and declared: “I nearly busted a gut ...

“Once again, [Obama] can’t wait to invest himself with the trappings of office.”

Conservative columnist Michelle Malkin wondered: “What other make-believe offices are they going to invent between now and Inauguration Day? I can’t ever recall in my lifetime any mention of such an office.”

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