Thursday, November 6, 2008

Palin Attacks By McCain Hacks

As frequently happens after a losing campaign, blame finger-pointing by campaign staff has begun by McCain campaign aides. The target of their ire is Gov. Sarah Palin.

The Guardian (U.K.) posted this article:

Sarah Palin has returned to Alaska following her whirlwind 68-day exposure to the national political scene, but the controversy over her vice-presidential candidacy shows no sign of abating.

As the governor of Alaska stepped off a plane onto icy tarmac in Anchorage on Wednesday night, she faced fresh allegations over her behaviour on the campaign trail and renewed attacks about her lack of readiness for the White House. Much of the attacks were clearly emerging from disgruntled aides within the campaign of the Republican presidential candidate, John McCain.

The most piercing allegations concerned Palin's ignorance of foreign affairs, which were depicted to be even more extreme than already thought; and her spend-thrift actions in kitting herself and her family out with a wardrobe fit to appear before television cameras.

Fox News, a broadcast channel that until election day had been generally flattering in its coverage of the "Palin phenomenon", reported that aides were astonished when they learned she was unaware that Africa was not a country but a whole continent. She was also said to be unable to name the three states that belong to the North American Free Trade Agreement: the US, Mexico and Canada.

Unnamed McCain advisers, their ire no longer constrained by campaign discipline, complained that the Alaskan governor had been unco-operative. The New York Times reported the McCain circle was angry about her independent decision to talk directly to the French President, Nicholas Sarkozy, which then turned out to be a prank from a Canadian radio station.

She was also said to have resisted offers of help preparing for interviews with Katie Couric, which also proved to be highly damaging.

The most colourful new information concerned Palin's spending spree on the campaign trail. Newsweek reported that she ended up splurging far more than the $150,000 that was already known about; with up to $40,000 being lavished on her husband Todd.

A wealthy donor who had offered to foot the bill was shocked when he got the bill from such top-notch addresses as Saks Fifth Avenue and Neiman Marcus, according to Newsweek. In a phrase that is likely to go down in US electoral folklore, one McCain aide characterized the episode to the magazine as: "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast."

Palin refused to address the bombardment of accusations directed at her. She said: "If they're an unnamed source, that says it all. I won't comment on anyone's gossip based on anonymous sources. That's kind of a small of a bitter type of person who anonymously would charge that I didn't know an answer to a question. So until I know who's talking about it, I won't have a comment on a false allegation."

She now faces a difficult few months rebuilding relations in Alaska, and fending off investigations against her over the so-called Troopergate affair in which she has been found guilty of breaching ethics guidelines in a dispute over the employment by the state of her former brother-in-law.

The Guardian apparently hasn't heard that Gov. Palin was already cleared days ago of any wrongdoing involving "Tasergate" (that they refer to as "Troopergate").

These hacks making the attacks (hey, that rhymes!) are nothing more than some moderates who are out trying to save their own skins so they can get future campaign work. The talk shows will dig further into this and if their names are found out, they will be outed. Once outed, their efforts in future campaign work will be more difficult. Nobody wants to hire liars and turncoats.

John McCain needs to speak out and denounce these attacks. Thus far, he hasn't.


From Fox News:

Palin spokesperson Meghan Stapleton released a written statement Friday calling the charges "unfortunate and, quite honestly, sickening."

"The accusations we are hearing and reading are not true and since we deny all these anonymous allegations, there is nothing specific to which we will respond," she wrote. "We have the highest regards for Senator John McCain. Governor Palin was honored to be chosen as McCain's running mate."

Newsweek also reported that Palin may have spent "tens of thousands" of dollars more on wardrobe expenses than the $150,000 that was reported in the days before Election Day. The money allegedly went toward clothes for her and her family from high-end stores, even though she was originally told to buy just three suits and hire a stylist for the Republican National Convention.

One aide called the spree "Wasilla hillbillies looting Neiman Marcus from coast to coast," according to the magazine. Palin also reportedly asked to speak at McCain's concession speech Tuesday, and was denied.

McCain adviser Nicole Wallace defended Palin on NBC's "Today Show" Friday morning, saying the Alaska governor "did nothing wrong."

"She is, perhaps, the most un-diva politician I've ever seen," she said. "The only thing I've ever seen her ask for is a diet soda."

Palin said right after the election that she's sorry if she cost McCain even "one vote."

But some are tired of what they say looks like scapegoating.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum told FOX News that McCain himself needs to come out and put a stop to the Palin criticism.

"She's the one that energized the base, she's the one that got the crowds out. ... She's the one that comes out of this without any scars and now they're trying to give her some," Santorum said. "John McCain should come out and say, 'This is ridiculous,' and set the record straight."

As of this writing, John McCain has not come out to refute the allegations.

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