Wednesday, November 5, 2008

To Governor Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin was the one big shining spot in John McCain's campaign. She galvanized the Republican base and garnered great enthusiasm for the GOP ticket.

If she wants a future in national politics, I would make the following suggestions:

1. Continue to be an excellent governor of Alaska. Build up your record of accomplishment and reform.

2. Travel. When possible, keep connected to the Republicans around the country. Visit foreign countries and meet with foreign leaders. Build up your foreign policy credentials.

3. Follow the Reagan Model: Start a political action commmittee similar to Reagan's Citizens For The Republic to express your views and as a platform for supporting mid-term candidates. Start a weekly radio commentary program. Raise funds.

It is too early to say what 2012 holds or what condition the country will be in. Obama could be a successful president who governs from the center. He could also be a disaster. But if Gov. Palin wants a future in national politics, the time to lay the groundwork for that future is now.


  1. Excellent, as always Armand!!!


  2. The fear and hatred of the right wing by the liberal crowd is so virulent. They really honestly believe that Bush stole the election in 2000---that he represents the worst of political corruption. These folks have lost all faith in, They hate religion because they identify it with the Republicans, the right wing. They believe that the conservatives are corrupt, as are all religious institutions...
    except for the few liberal denominations.

    I am angry that the ill-informed and uneducated population of this country has been allowed to do what they've done. They have voted to live in socialism. It hasn't worked in Europe...what makes them think it will work any better here? they even know what socialism is? Remember the USSR? I will pray for this country as I fear we are in for an earthquake of magnitude proportions.
