Wednesday, December 10, 2008

2008: Not A Good Year For Democrat Governors

2008 is turning out not to be a good year for Democrat governors.

First, we had the scandal involving New York Governor Eliot Spitzer (below), who was found to be a customer of a prostitution ring.

Now we have a new scandal involving Illinios Governor Rod Blagojevich (below). Blagojevich was arrested Tuesday, accused of scheming to enrich himself by selling Obama's vacant Senate seat. The governor has authority to appoint Senate replacements.

This is called a "pay to play" scheme in which an appointment to an office is sold to the highest bidder.

Obama has called for Blagojevich's resignation, but he needs to go further in this matter as it raises a lot of questions about Obama and his staff's associations. What did they know and when did they know it?

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