Friday, January 30, 2009

Gov. Sarah Palin Forms PAC


Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has formed a new political action committee, SarahPAC.

According to

Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin says her new political action committee, SarahPAC, is not intended to enhance her profile as a major Republican player on the national stage or to signal that she is running for president in 2012, but rather so she can help raise money for other GOP candidates.

"No, not at all,” Palin told the Anchorage Daily News when asked about her presidential aspirations. “It's helpful to have a PAC so that, when I'm invited to things, like to speak at the Lincoln Day dinner in Fairbanks — to have a PAC pay for that instead of have the state pay for that because that could be considered quasi-political."

Palin, who was Sen. John McCain’s running mate when he ran for president in November, models her PAC after HillPAC, the committee Hillary Clinton formed during her presidential run in 2008, as did President Barack Obama and other candidates from both parties.

Following the 2008 election, I suggested on this blog that if Gov. Palin has any future political ambitions, or to be an influence in the GOP, she should follow the model of Ronald Reagan. Reagan, with leftover campaign funds from his losing bid for the White House in 1976, formed Citizens for the Republic (CFTR).

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