Saturday, January 10, 2009

International Association of Turtles

A recent blog over at MySpace reminded me of something that I've known about since high school: The International Association of Turtles.

The Association's founding is described at this blog:

During WWII, group of American pilots founded The International Association of Turtles, in an English pub. The basic rules for membership: "You must think with a clean mind and you must be willing to stick your neck out for yourself and for other people in need."

We assume all prospective Turtles own a Jack Ass. On this assumption is the reason for the password.

This password must be given if you are ever asked by a fellow member, "Are you a Turtle?" You MUST then reply "You bet your sweet ass I am." If you do not give the password in full because of embarassment or some other reason, you forfeit a beverage of his choice. So always remember the password.

It is rumored (it may be true, but it may not be) that President John F. Kennedy was asked "Are you a turtle?" during a press conference. Kennedy, mindful of his high position on the national (and world) stage could not give the proper response, so he (allegedly) replied, "I owe that man a drink!" Anyway, it is a cool tidbit of Turtle lore.

Are you a turtle?

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