Tuesday, February 17, 2009

G-FAN Travel Guide To Kaiju Japan

Above, Yokohama, Japan's waterfront.

During my discussions with J. D. Lees last night I asked about progress on the G-FAN Travel Guide To Kaiju Japan project.

Family considerations, other obligations and getting G-FAN out has left him with scarce time to work on it. But, he also said:

I work best with a deadline. You need to tell me you'll kill me if I don't get it done.

Well, I can't kill him (maybe some water-boarding, perhaps), so I gave him a deadline of late-May. But to humor him, I told him he'd be "dead meat" if he doesn't get it done.

Why late-May?

Late-May would be enough time to get it to the printer and have copies available for G-FEST XVI and to promote it at travel shows, travel agents, etc. (Many travel shows occur in the Fall.) This also seemed to be a reasonable enough time for him to squeeze work in on it during the preceeding months.

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