Sunday, February 22, 2009

Heath Ledger Wins Best Supporting Actor Oscar

The only Oscar category I was interested in tonight was the one for Best Supporting Actor.

From Moviefone News:

Heath Ledger wins the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his role [as the Joker] in The Dark Knight. His parents and sister accepted the award on his behalf, calling the win "ever-so humbling." After thanking several people, Heath's father Kim said the Oscar "humbly validated Heath's quiet determination to be truly accepted by you all here, his peers." Ledger's sister said they "proudly accept the award on behalf of your beautiful Matilda."

I thought Ledger's performance was brilliant. His Joker was believably psychotic. The scene that stood out for me was the hospital explosion as the Joker was walking away in a nurse's uniform.

The Dark Knight was the hit sequel to Batman Begins.

Unless I am mistaken (I doubt I am), this is the first acting Academy Award for a super-hero movie.

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