Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Hitting 55...(Not The Speed Limit)

Hitting 55...(Not The Speed Limit)

Many thoughts cross one's mind as they get older. Did I accomplish anything during the previous 54? What am I going to do now? And so on.

For the most part, after hitting 40, I pretty much ignored my age.

For me, hitting 55 tomorrow only opens up some opportunities. For instance, some businesses have senior menus starting at age 55. Denny's Restaurants is one of them. Fuddrucker's is another. At Fantastic Sam's, it is said that seniors can get a haircut on a senior discount at 55. Others require that one is 60 before they get a discount. (About a week ago, I was surprised when Richard Pusateri told me he turned 60 last October. Luckily for him, he looks younger than that.) So there are some benefits that do come with encroaching geezerhood.

Other thoughts cross one's mind. One is, "I'm too young for Medicare, but too old for women to care." Another is, "Growing old isn't so bad when you consider the alternative!" Another favorite, "I can still do the things I did at age 21. Which only goes to show how decrepit I was at 21!" You just gotta laugh, as there's no use in crying about it. It makes me laugh when people in their 20s and 30s moan and groan about getting old. I'd gladly swap ages with them!

Fortunately, I am in good health with no (known) ailments. Many in my age bracket have bad backs, hips, legs, knees, etc. Some have lost their hair completely (mine was too thick in my younger days, so I was a little glad it thinned out a bit). Some have gone completely gray (or white) hair. But I suppose gray hair is better than no hair. Mine is about 50/50 dark brown and gray. I am still able to hoof it around without any difficulty, which comes in handy when I do roam around Japan.

About a week ago, I decided to see if I could get into a movie theater on a senior discount (their senior discount starts at 60). So I walked up to the boxoffice window (I made my voice sound more gravelly) and asked for and got a senior ticket with no questions asked. (I don't know if I should be insulted about that or not.)

Still, as I've known so many people who never reached 55, I should consider myself blessed. Actually, I do.

I guess this year's birthday wish is to go to Denny's and get something from their senior menu. But the Denny's I'd like to go to now is in the picture at top. It is in Asakusa, Tokyo. You can see their sign in the background (click on the photo for a better look).

Hopefully, by year's end, I'll get there. It's all downhill from here.



    “Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind; it is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees; it is a matter of the will, quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life.”
    Samuel Ullman quotes

    And have fun at your Denny's Dinner no matter where it may be (of course I bet the one in Japan is A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!).


  2. It's all relative Armand...some people are old by their 20s or 30s, some are still young in their 70s; I'll turn 65 this summer and will have been retired for 5 years and I currently play softball for 5 teams and do all kinds of work on my house.
    Best Wishes Birthday Boy,

  3. Avewry Happy birthday to you Armand and I'm glad I feel the same way you do as I'll also be reaching the "double nickle" this year in about 10 months and I, like you also feel as I did when I was 21 and can do many of the things today I did then.

    The only problem with getting older is that "Getting older is like toilet paper. The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes!" LOL

    I hope you have a great one!


  4. Thanks, guys. I think the key to staying healthy is being active. Even though I have a rocking chair, I rarely use it. My cats get more use out of it than I do.

    I'll have to remember the "toilet paper" one.

  5. Hi Armand! 55's not old... 100 is old! You're not even there yet, in fact, you're still a youngin'. Anyways, Have a wonderful birthday Armand! Take care and I'll keep the walker standing by when you reach a 100. :)

  6. At least I'm in good company (some better than others):
