Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama's Speech: Long On Platitudes, Short On Substance

Obama's Speech: Long On Platitudes, Short On Substance

Listening to President Obama tonight, I came away not surprised that he made another campaign speech (a 55 minute long one). It was full of his usual platitudes, very short on substance, blame to the last administration and totally inappropriate.

It was a "State of the Union" speech, not a discussion on how his administration plans to remedy the country's ills, as many hoped for.

He chided business CEOs on bonuses. He wants to provide health care. He says he wants to cut the deficit in half by the end of his term, even though he spent more in one month (three trillion dollars) than the Bush Administration did in eight years. I get the feeling that the Obama Administration doesn't know what it's

He talks about expanding education, but says nothing on how he proposes to pay for it.

He tried to be inspirational, saying "We are not quitters!" But this came after we endured weeks of "doom & gloom" messages from his administration.

He said he's not a fan of big government, yet he is growing the government more than FDR and LBJ did combined.

He made no case for his stimulus package, how it was supposed to work and made no attempt to do so.

It was a disappointment, but not a surprise.


  1. CBS News poll - "Eighty percent of speech watchers approve of President Obama’s plans for dealing with the economic crisis. Before the speech, 63 percent approved."
    Looks like many people disagree with your assessment of the president's speech. What you can't disagree with is the fact that we inherited the debt by the failed policies of the republican Bush Administration.

  2. As usual, you distort facts of history. The Bush administration did not cause the current recession. It was the forcing on lenders by Democrats to make loans to people who had no business taking out loans for they had no way to pay them back. Now we're all holding the bag with all these bailouts and porkulus bills.

    80% doesn't mean they're right. Obama talks pretty, but when you dig into the details, we're headed for a socialist disaster.

    Only an idiot would support this so-called "plan."

  3. Additionally, concerning the so-called support for the President's porkulus bill, here's a little tidbit from The Weekly Standard:

    Last week a Rasmussen poll showed that only 38 percent of Americans support Obama's mortgage plan, but a new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 64 percent of Americans somewhat or strongly support Obama's plan.

    Why the wildly different results? How the poll questions were phrased might explain the difference.

    The WaPo/ABC News poll asks:

    21. On another economic issue, would you support or oppose the federal government using 75 billion dollars to provide refinancing assistance to homeowners to help them avoid foreclosure on their mortgages? Do you feel that way strongly or somewhat?

    Rasmussen asks:

    1* To reduce the number of mortgage foreclosures, should the federal government subsidize mortgage payments for financially troubled homeowners?

    It seems that the difference between these two questions is that Rasmussen states that the government would "subsidize" "financially troubled homeowners", while the WaPo/ABC poll states that the government would be "using" money to provide "refinancing assistance to homeowners".


    So don't take too much comfort in the CBS poll.
