Monday, February 9, 2009

Specter's An Idiot; Obama's A Liar

Above, three GOP defectors.

Two things ticked me off today concerning the stimulus/porkulus bill now before the U.S. Senate.

First, I was listening to Sean Hannity's show on the way to work and he had Sen. Arlen Specter, R-PA call in. Despite many excellent arguments given by Hannity against the bill, Specter said he is "independent" and believes that the government "has to act". Otherwise, he said, the economy would be headed for disaster. He refused to even reconsider his support for the bill. He seems to think that it's either this bill or nothing at all.

At the end of the interview, Hannity was incredulous and I was angry. Specter is up for election next year, and he's got to go!

Second, I caught President Barack Obama's first prime time press conference. I noticed that he only picked reporters who'd give him softball questions. What really got to me was that he attributes the current economic mess to the policies of "the last eight years." He blamed it on the Bush tax cuts. No mention was made of the fact that the mess was caused by lenders, led by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who provided mortgages to people who were unqualified for them under pressure by Democrats led by Rep. Barney Frank and Sen. Chris Dodd.

Hugh Hewitt saw the press conference like this:

But when he distorted the GOP opposition as wanting to do nothing he lost the game. The American people are tuned into this debate and know very well that the GOP is committed to a large but balanced stimulus plan that puts tax relief and immediate infrastructure spending to work to immediately surge the economy. They have listened closely to the arguments made on the Senate floor and know that the president's bald mischaracterization of those positions is just false.

Obama told another whopper when he said the stimulus bill contains "no earmarks." Practically the whole thing is an earmark, with goodies to satisfy forty years of liberal desires!

Obama also said that he hopes to gain the trust of Republicans, even if there's disagreements. If he wants the trust of Republicans, he should stop lying about the cause of the mortgage meltdown and blaming it on the previous administration.

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