Friday, February 13, 2009

Stop Porkulus: Contact Your Representatives Now!

Stop Porkulus: Contact Your Representatives Now!

Congress is about to vote on the porkulus/stimulus bill today. Very few, if any, members of Congress have read the final bill that came out of the Conference Committee (the one Republicans were blocked from participating in). The Democrats kept the bill from being posted online for people to read under the promised 48 hours, and it is a PDF file, which means that it can't be searched and it is essentially a picture of a document.

Don't rely upon the media, they aren't asking any probing questions (how can they since their tongues are on the floor?).

With interest and future spending, this monstrosity will end up costing taxpayers $1.5 trillion (that's trillion with a 'T'). reports:

The United States Congress is about to pass the largest single-year increase in domestic federal spending since World War II. Despite the fact that neither the Republicans in Congress, the media, nor the American people have been allowed to read the bill, the House plans to vote on the plan today. The Senate will quickly follow suit so that the bill will hit President Barack Obama’s desk by Monday. Even without the full benefit of digesting what is in this trillion dollar debt bill, over 200 economists have expressed their belief that this plan is destined to fail. And conservative economists that once supported the idea of a stimulus are now calling the current plan “An $800 Billion Mistake.” Even center left economists like President Bill Clinton’s budget director, Alice Rivlin have told Congress that the long-term spending items in the plan “should not be put together hastily and lumped in with the anti-recession package.”

This comes down to two Republican senators (Susan Collins is a lost cause): Arlen Specter and Olympia Snow. Senator Edward Kennedy is too ill to come to Washington from Florida to vote. If this bill is kept from getting 60 senate votes, it fails. Then something much better can be proposed.

Contact your congress member and senator today and tell them to vote against this rape of the taxpayer. Also, contact the offices of Senators Specter and Snow.

Contact Elected Officials at USA.Gov

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