Friday, February 6, 2009

Three R.I.N.O.s To Support Porkulous

A "deal" has been reached in the U.S. Senate on the economic stimulous, er, porkulous bill.

Senators have reached a tentative deal on a version of President Obama's economic stimulus plan, including about $811 billion in spending and tax cuts, that will win enough Republican votes to move forward.

Sens. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania and Susan Collins of Maine appeared to be the critical Republicans to sign onto the bill, giving Democrats the 60 votes needed to advance to a final vote. Democrats also voiced confidence that Republican Sen. Olympia Snow of Maine also would vote for the plan.

As many of us expected, three squishy Republican senators (R.I.N.O.s or Republicans In Name Only) are joining the Democrats in supporting the bill.

They are: Republican Senators Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania.

Everyone should contact these senators' offices and voice your displeasure over this bill. These three need to be defeated during their next election cycles.


UPDATE: The "fit has hit the shan" over the three R.I.N.O.s who are supporting the porkulus spending bill. The sentiments have been pretty much like this:

Not a penny to the Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee or the RNC if the defectors are not expelled from the caucus.

I’m guessing Mr. Steele is aware of how negatively fund raising will be impacted by any “Republicans” who vote for this thing.

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