Thursday, February 19, 2009

We're Abel Maldonado's Sharecroppers

What a difference a few months make!

California State Senator Abel "Benedict" Maldonado was chosen last summer by Sen. John McCain to speak before the delegates of the Republican National Convention.

During his speech, Maldonado spoke of his family's humble beginnings as sharecroppers. He likened Barack Obama's tax plans to making the American people sharecroppers to the government.

Maldonado said:

"We should never become sharecroppers for the government."

"When you try to soak the rich, the poor and the middle class will get wet."

By casting his vote for the California budget compromise February 19, Sen. Abel Maldonado just made California taxpayers sharecroppers for the state government.

When Gov. Bill Richardson endorsed Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton last year, he was called “Judas” by James Carville. It appears that term can be equally applied to Sen. Maldonado.

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