Friday, February 6, 2009

"Whiskey and Car Keys In Washington"

The Sacramento Union has a column by William E. Saracino called, "Whiskey and Car Keys In Washington."

Part of what Saracino writes includes:

It was conservative author P.J. O’Rourke who said that giving money and power to politicians is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys. History has certainly proved O’Rourke prescient.

Exhibit A: the economic “stimulus” bill that passed the House of Representatives last week.

More than 650 pages long, the bill spends $850 billion of your tax money. This is not to be confused with the $750 billion “bailout” bill Congress passed in December. This is an entirely new $850 billion, bringing the grand total of dollars tossed on the congressional bonfire to 1 trillion, 550 billion.

President Obama and his congressional amen corner tell us that the country is going to Hades in a hand basket. Apparently, salvation is possible only if this $850 billion gets into the economic pipeline immediately, stimulates all of us and creates a cornucopia of new jobs.

But neither teenagers with whiskey and car keys nor liberal politicians in a mad dash to spend billions presents a pretty picture.

Further on, Saracino gives a full portrait on what the "porkulous" bill includes.

To read the full column, go here.

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