Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Obamacare Is Unconstitutional!

The Mark Levin Show today was interesting (they usually are). But today, Mark Levin discussed how the Obama Administration and the Democrats in congress have no constitutional authority to impose Obamacare (i.e., a single-payer health plan) on the American people.

Obamacare, if enacted, would force individual citizens to purchase a good or service, whether they want it or not, or would rather do something else. It would be an unprecedented move by the federal government.

The Democrats are relying upon the "general welfare clause" of the constitution for their authority, which does not apply. Also, the Commerce Clause also does not apply. For more, see this and this.

Levin noted that Obamacare would add a condition to U.S. citizenship. It would require that to be a citizen, a person has to purchase health insurance, government-run or otherwise. Again, this would be an unprecedented move by the federal government.

It would be saying, "In order to live here, you must buy health insurance."

This would be giving the federal government broad, virtual dictatorial powers that the constitutional does not allow. This is a direct assault on federalism. Some states have already passed resolutions telling the federal government that socialized healthcare will not fly in their states based on the Tenth Amendment.

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