Saturday, October 31, 2009

Scozzfava Drops Out is reporting that liberal GOP candidate Dede Scozzfava is dropping out of the race in New York's 23 District special election:

Republican Dede Scozzafava has suspended her bid in next Tuesday’s NY 23 special election, a huge development that dramatically shakes up the race. She did not endorse either of her two opponents -- Conservative party candidate Doug Hoffman or Democrat Bill Owens.

The decision to suspend her campaign is a boost for Hoffman, who already had the support of 50 percent of GOP voters, according to a newly-released Siena poll, and is now well-positioned to wn over the 25 percent of Republicans who had been sticking with Scozzafava.

Scozzfava was endorsed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. Hoffman was endorsed by former Senator Fred Thompson, former Gov. Sarah Palin and others. Conservative talk radio has been a big booster for Hoffman with Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin and Sean Hannity leading the charge.

Scozzafava was chosen by some GOP party hacks to be the GOP nominee in the special election despite having a voting record that supported the Democrat radical agenda.

UPDATE (11/2/09): Scozzfava endorsed her Democrat opponent Bill Owens. This proves once and for all that RINOs (Republicans In Name Only) have no principles and cannot be trusted to be party loyalists.

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