Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Famous Monsters of Filmland: It's Alive!

Famous Monsters of Filmland: "It's Alive!"

Source: Famous Monsters of Filmland Press Release

Those were the immortal words of Dr. Frankenstein (pronounced Frahn-kun-shteen!) portrayed by Gene Wilder in Young Frankenstein. The line embodied the passion and sheer exuberance of a man who had just taken a famous monster, once thought to be gone forever, and returned it to life (and given it the ability to do some sweet musical numbers). Today, we share those sentiments as we announce the return of Famous Monsters of Filmland, the print magazine.

While we’re well into development on the first issues, we’re going to be keeping mum on a lot of the details. Here are a few pieces that we can share with you right now:

- In order to make sure that FM gets as wide a release as possible, we’ve teamed with IDW Publishing. Not only are they one of the largest comic publishers in the country, recipient of Diamond Distributor’s “Publisher of the Year” award 4 times, publisher of such hit comics as 30 Days of Night, Joss Whedon’s Angel, Locke and Key, and Transformers; they also happen to be huge monster kids.

- Our editor-in-chief will be Michael Heisler, a 20-year veteran of the industry who brings a wealth of experience, along with his enthusiasm, to the relaunch.

“FM was far and away my favorite magazine when I was a kid, and there has been nothing quite like it since,” said Heisler. “Our goal is to update that magic for a modern audience, with coverage of current horror in all its forms, while continuing to pay tribute to the classic films that started it all. Personally, I’m thrilled to be taking this step down the road that Forry Ackerman and ‘Chilly Billy’ Cardille put me on so many years ago.”

-The magazine will begin its run in the summer of 2010 and be released quarterly. We haven’t set an exact date for release yet but we hear there’s some kind of big event in the summer where over 150,000 people dress up in costumes and head to San Diego. Just a rumor, probably.

Over the coming months we’ll be bringing you plenty of updates. From details on the covers to content and contributors, you’ll see it all here first. Make sure to check back and sign-up at our social networking sites (those icons in the upper right on the front page) as we’ll be releasing different info on all of them from time-to-time.

Last but not least, we’re counting on you to leave us comments and tell us your thoughts on what you’d like to see in the new FM. This is the time to make your voice heard and help forge the path that the magazine will take. Don’t be shy; all are welcome.

“I’ve always loved Famous Monsters, and when I discovered an opportunity to reinvent the brand for modern times, I jumped at it,” said Phil Kim, FM’s Senior Manager. “Knowing the legacy and the great expectations that came with this iconic trademark, I looked long and hard for a suitable company with an impeccable reputation for quality and respect. After a two-year search, I am proud to announce our partnership with IDW.”

This is good news for monster movie fans as many magazines are failing. It is great that a magazine dares to start up in these economic times. Good luck to Phil Kim and company!

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