Saturday, December 5, 2009

Media Cover-Up Of Climategate

A tale of destroyed documents, fraud, conspiracy and the misuse of millions of government dollars would seem to have all the juicy ingredients of a scandal that journalists would kill to cover. However, the mainstream media apparently doesn't think that Climategate is news. ABC News hasn't deemed the story newsworthy. Neither has CBS nor NBC. If Americans only got their news from the networks, they would not know about the global-warming fraud or would merely think there was a simple misunderstanding about what scientists meant in some vague e-mails.

Thus began an article from the Washington Times on the lack of news coverage by the mainstream or, (as Rush Limbaugh calls them) the state-run media, on the growing scandal over the hacked emails of scientists who manipulated data on global warming.

It is obvious that the media is in bed with the liberals on the climate change issue and would not cover any news that exposes the issue as a fraud. A lot of public policy hinges on whether or not alleged climate change is caused by man, if it is even happening at all. (There's been no global warming since 1998.) Obama's cap-and-trade (i.e., cap and tax) legislation is dependent on the climate change issue.

To read the full article, go here.

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