Friday, December 25, 2009

Nice To Know I Still Have Friends

In reaction to the "Christmas Day Massacre," I received this message from Peter H. Brothers, author of Mushroom Clouds and Mushroom Men: The Fantastic Cinema of Ishiro Honda:


My friend, what can I say? This is an enormous loss to all of G-Fandom. Your contributions have been enormous, how can they be discarded so thoughtlessly?

I certainly understand your position and completely and wholly support you in this matter.

This was worse than a poor decision by JD, it is a disastrous one.

I would like to get-together with you ASAP to allow you the opportunity to vent; however I will be tied-up for the next two Saturdays but we can meet on the 9th at our old haunt if that's okay. Of course, you may call me at anytime, I shall have my switchboard operator give you top priority!

And all this is happening just before the joyous occasion of your book being published.

We all need time to ingest this sad situation. Hang in there and don't let it get you down.

You're the best.


It is nice to know that I still do have friends out there.

UPDATE: It is gratifying to know that people do recognize hard work, honesty, forthrightness and will stick with you through "thick and thin." Here's a sampling of messages that have been posted:


Very classy message from Mr. Brothers! Hang in there and enjoy your Christmas, Armand!


I can't say this surprises me. JD can be pretty low and he's treated some people like dirt and I've seen him have multiple falling outs over the years, like Norman Englund and even Shusuke Kaneko. I can't say I'm too surprised about this... JD seems like the kinda guy that would fire someone on Christmas.


Wow. What fantastic conflict resolution skills. The last part where he effectively said, "It's my party so too bad, so sad" was particularly telling for me. Of course there are two sides to every story, but I know from being on this board that G-Fan and G-Fest were very important to you. For that to (seemingly) be totally disregarded and discarded is not right.


The maturity (or lack thereof) of some of the figureheads in this fandom (in this case, JD) always fascinates me. This is supposed to be by fans, for fans. It should be fun, not a bunch of fussy drama queens. To see someone like Armand who has been nothing but loyal to the con, the mag, and the fanbase (and stuck of for G-Fest, G-Fan and JD in some controversial times) get dismissed basically over NOTHING at all is very disheartening.


That stinks to high heaven. Merry F****** Christmas, huh.


I've also received emails, here's a couple:

That all stinks to high heaven. Sorry your Christmas got dumped on.


I too am sorry to hear this had to come down on Christmas. It's always sad to see hard-working people get shafted by schemers, but there it is. "Whatever will be will be..." whatever that means.

You have plenty other ways to express your interest in these Japanese monster movies.

I'm sure you are hanging in there.


Hi Armand,

I'm sorry to hear about what happend. I can't believe J.D. would be so petty. I know XXX and XXXXX don't care much for the guy but I always thought they were exaggerating. You're the glue that holds it all togther and I'm sure J.D. will come to realize that soon enough. Try not to let it get you down brother.

Take care and Merry Christmas

[Note: I had to "bleep" out a couple of names so that they won't be subjected to retaliation. - A.]


Nice to see the f*cking a**hole (you know who) took over the whole show.

[Note: I had to edit this one for obvious reasons. - A.]


Sorry to hear about that, Armand. It is glad to hear that you quickly got back up on your feet and that it didn't ruin your Christmas!


Boycott! Screw those pricks! If they can treat Armand, who is a valuable asset to this fandom, like dirt, they'll treat anyone like dirt. I am all for voting with our pocketbooks even though I would like to meet Akira Takarada. Hominick has been a nuisance ever since he got involved in this fandom. He causes nothing but problems.

[Note: I have never called for a boycott except for one last week against an anti-car club shopping center. I'm not calling for one now. People have the right to make up their own minds. - A.]


So in a time when there's barely anything Godzilla-related to cover as it is, JD decides to sever ties with his Godzilla magazine's primary contributor over an ego headbutt on a Yahoo newsgroup?

That's thinking with your dipstick, Jimmy!



I'm glad I don't read his crummy magazine or go to his pathetic little convention anymore.

Sorry to hear that, Armand.


Nor would I read it [Brett's blog] if I were you. The best part about that is while you are ignoring his, you KNOW he is reading yours.

[Note: Yes, I KNOW he does. It's an obsession. He posts stuff in response to what I post here on message boards. I can substantiate anything I post. - A.]


Don't forget, it's "his" convention and we're all just pieces of crap. For the life of me I can't understand why JD keeps this little weasel around. Yutaka does most of the work in getting the guests anyway.


Holy f*ck! This is almost beyond belief!! I gotta call jeff, man.


Well looks like the a**hole got his way. Can't wait to see who kisses ass and who decides to salvage their dignity.


"I do not have words at this time except for OMG"


This really is J.D.'s loss. You've been a great contributor to the fandom, Armand.


I already sent Armand my condolences, but if JD wants the con to keep going he NEEDS to get rid of a certain big mouthed (and nosed) person who thinks he's king of the world every time G-Fest rolls around. Anyone who says "this is my convention and you're just OH GODZILLA! WHAT TERRIBLE LANGUAGE" should be kicked off the G-Fest committee.

Armand is / was a great contribution to the mag and the convention over the years.


Armand, you have always been a gentleman to me and my friends. I've enjoyed your friendship and company for many years. Unfortunately by the time JD learns the error of his ways, it will be too late. The magazine and the convention will never be the same without you. Don't let this ruin your holidays.


The way it's going Big Bird is gonna ruin that convention.


i dont even know how to put my thoughts and feelings on all this in to words that would make any kind of sense yet... What i will say now is that im sorry. Stay tuned to what i do next. Demonic possesion is a terrible thing. And im in a giving mood suddenly. Oh, just you wait...

[Note: Is demonic possession legal? - A.]


Wow, I never imagined Lees would actually cut out the voice of his own fanzine! Although I haven't really enjoyed the thing in about 10 years, I'll certainly miss those posts of yours attempting to defend and exploit it.

Are you wondering if he is going to dot out your eyes like he did with JRR?

[Note: I would think he'd matured since those years. Even he and JRR reconciled long before JRR's passing. This is a different situation and I am not angry with him, just deeply disappointed. - A.]


Great, now we get to enjoy only interviews with people who barely remember these movies and respond that they "can't remember" every other question. Or we get to read three whole pages of filler dedicated to a guy who had one line in a movie. How did you prepare for your role as the guy who looks up with his mouth open yelling? Did you study other people that look up in the sky and yell?" Great journalism.


I'm very late to this party, but what bullsh*t!

I mean, I don't think I can groan hard enough at the blatant idiocy that drives some of those actions.

Anyhow, sucks to be G-Fan, as your efforts for the magazine and whatnot have always been very evident.


Seems to me like JD has elevated him past the point of no return. Especially considering one of the reasons I gave up reading the magazine was because of the "Brett...and then everyone else" vibe it gave off.


Screw this bullsh*t! I'm thinking about canceling my subscription! Doing this on Christmas is the most despicable thing I've ever seen.


The new direction of the will be geared towards males who have never gotten laid before and think only of Godzilla all day!!


Great...I look forward to more interviews with someone who no one gives two f*cks for and maybe had one line of dialogue and cannot remember sh*t if his/her life depended on it.


Disgusting! Armand, JD and Homenick aren't good enough to smell your sh*t!

[Note: Where have I heard that line before? - A.]


The following preview has been approved for all audiences.

He may be a gas station attendant in Palm Springs, but every year....for one week....he gets to be in charge! That's right, Brett Homenick stars in....


Watch as he smiles for pictures with dignitaries, totally unaware that he is a stain on an otherwise wonderful picture.

Watch as the year 1967 calls his hotel room looking for it's wardrobe.

Watch as he convinces himself that he is important and of celebrity caliber. The red carpet has never seen anything like this.

Watch as he is wholly unaware that the boss of the show is the only person that actually likes him...for now.

Watch as the other hard working members of the committee get headaches looking at him...and ulcers after they are forced to talk to him.

Customers have given him the shaft, and now he's mad as hell....and NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE. Lookout Chicago.

FROM GAS TO G-FEST! Coming soon.


Wow, I was quite shocked to read this. Armand, so very sorry to hear about this. I always enjoyed reading your stuff.



[Note: I just had to add this one. - A.]


Alright, thanks for the sentiments, but I am going to have to cease posting them. It's time to move on. - A.


  1. Hi Armand,
    WOW, that was a huge shocker when I read your last blog! It was so heartbreaking to hear especially around this time of year when things are suppose to be merry and Jolly. G-fan and G-Fest has lost a great contributor and will never be the same. I totally sympathize with you and will stand by you!

    Keep doing what you do and everything will turn out for the best. Best wishes to you and your family in the Holidays! Take care!


  2. Thanks, Vinnie! I feel fine and serene. I'm not the one who lost the most in this. - A.

  3. You never know what would happen on Christmas, huh? All I can say is that I hope your blog will flourish and that you can find some other ways to contribute to the fandom. Sorry to hear such bad news. I have always seen you as a hard working person and this is just abrupt to say the least.

  4. Upon reading these responses, it does amaze me that despite how little I actually did talk about what transpired at the show this past summer (except maybe for a close few that were around for it), that it would seem way more people know about it than I thought. Amazing how fast word travels.

  5. Dutch, did you also notice that "public opinion" feels he had it coming? - A.

  6. Yeah well no surprises there. The weirdest part is that I was actually embarrassed that it came to that. But I suppose that is what happens when people think they are invincible to any sort of repercussions from their actions. Oh well. Do you believe the saying "There's no such thing as bad press"? I certainly don't.

  7. As John Lennon said, "Instant Karma's gonna get you!" His troubles may only be beginning.

    He plans to attend Monsterpalooza next year. I will be there either selling the travel guide with Peter selling his book or just as a spectator. I may have some company with me, like some process-servers.

    There's two options available, civil court or criminal prosecution for the blackmail threat. - A.

  8. Hi Armand!

    Sorry to hear about this sorry situation. JD will also be sorry when he starts to miss all your contributions. Unfortunately none of this comes as a surprise knowing the fandoms history of back stabbing and immaturity.

    Anyway, take care, congratulations on your book and happy new year!!!


  9. Thanks, Charmane! It's good to hear from you! How's the new house and everything? - a.
