Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Trying To Figure Out The Liberal Mindset

President Obama addressed the nation from West Point (he should have spoken in the Oval Office as the setting he chose is not presidential, in my view) on Afghanistan. He announced that he is sending additional forces of 30,000.

I heard part of his speech, which seemed to be a continuance of his childish habit of blaming the Bush Administration.

Outside of that, he seemed to upset his liberal base. One friend posted that it was "the nail in the coffin of his presidency." I thought he already did that with his stimulous and other socialist policies. Curious, I asked why he and the liberal wing of the Democrat Party are so upset.

I received this reply:

"Armand: I'm upset because 53 million-plus people voted for "change" and aren't getting it. Apart from torture, he hasn't rescinded a single Bush action, not even FISA. Instead of winding down the war, he's escalating it, against all historical precedence. He's in bed with Wall Street and the bankers, and thrown most of his supporters (most notably gays) under the bus while sucking up to the GOP, who've stated on the record that they wll stop at nothing to destroy his presidency. Hell, he can't even get Lieberman and the Blue Dogs to toe the line on health care. We thought we were voting for Samuel L. Jackson, and instead we got Wayne Brady."

This is interesting. I don't presume that the above totally represents the liberal point-of-view, but it gives an idea on the liberal state of mind.

I have some liberal friends. We can agree on some things like movies, and they are (for the most part) good people. But I really have to wonder about the liberal mindset.

On the first sentence about voting for "change," I find the comment curious. Here, they're on the verge of getting the beginnings (if Obamacare/Pelosicare passes) of their dreamed-about socialist (or Marxist) "utopia" in America. And they're already crying the blues?! Wasn't the Afghanistan war the "just war"? After all, weren't we attacked by bin Laden, who was aided by the Taliban? Wasn't the purpose for going into Afghanistan to destroy the terrorist network? Have they forgotten the 3,000-plus people murdered in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington, D.C.? This appears to me that the liberals have forgotten September 11, 2001 and have reverted back to a September 10, 2001 mentality.

As for being in bed with Wall Street and the bankers, this is a bit of a twist as the stimulous (which hasn't worked) and other Democrat massive spending sprees were to "revive the economy and prevent another Great Depression." Now, taking a walk down Memory Lane, these were opposed by Republicans, particularly the conservatives. Isn't the GOP the supposed "party of Wall Street"? Seems to be the other way around.

On Sen. Joe Lieberman and the "Blue Dog Democrats," they are concerned that Obamacare/Pelosicare is too big and too expensive. They're right! These proposals are particularly insane since were are in a bad recession (caused by the Democrats and their policies of extending sub-prime loans to people who didn't qualify for conventional loans, need I remind you). Never mind that their proposed health care "reform" is unconstitutional and would be a government takeover of one-sixth of the economy. This president has spent more money (money the government doesn't have, by the way) than all previous presidents combined in his first year in office. I think Joe Lieberman and others have good reason to be concerned over this madness. Obama and the Democrat-congress are piling on debt that can never be re-paid and could even cause this country to collapse! (For the record, I was not pleased with George W. Bush's spending either, and have said so.) Some feel that's their secret plan so they can change the country into their concept of a socialist utopia.

Yet the liberals are crying over fighting the "just war." It boggles the mind. I have to wonder what planet the libs came from.

How's that "hope and change" working out for you?


  1. "childish habit of blaming the Bush Administration?"
    That's a sad statement considering you're speaking of matters of life & death. Bush committed the US in a war w/Iraq based on lies that cost 4000 lives, 20000 wounded & a trillion dollars wasted. We haven't blamed Bush enough. The saddest fact of the Obama administration is that the Justice Dept isn't prosecuting Bush & Cheney.
    The problem I have with the Afghan war is there's no winning it. The corrupt Karzai gov't will never win the respect of the people. As far as Al Queada goes, Mullen reports there are less than 100 there. We're there to secure the oil pipelines. And saying catchphrases like "a Sept 10th mentality" refers better to Cheney who failed to protect the US. We were attacked on their watch. That's a sad truth you have to live with.

    re: the stimulus failing?
    Schwarzengger would disagree with you:
    You also need to understand that only 242 billion of the 787 billion has been spent. Why? Because the GOP is holding up many of Obama's nominees to key positions to distribute the funds. Yes, unemployment hasn't dropped as much as I'd like but without the stimulus it would've been worse. Remember the economy tanked under the Bush admin in Sept 2008.
    You should be pissed at Bush handing 700 billion in TARP funds to the banks. Remember that? What happened to the free market ideology?

    re: Healthcare reform
    You're 100% off-base. The CBO confirms over & over that the Senate & House bills both lower the deficit. Case closed.

    The just war? It should be against Saudi Arabia. 17 of the 19 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia. That should be your mantra.
    By the by, respond with facts & not catchphrases.

    I'll do my part to stimulate the economy & buy your book though. Unless you blame climate change on Godzilla's breath. :)

  2. For the past 8 years, that's all the Democrats did - attack Bush.

    I don't listen to Gov. Arnold. He's a RINO who failed to do what he was elected to do. He tried in the beginning, but gave up. The stimulous hasn't created the jobs that Obama claimed it would. It has been very negligible. Plus, most of it hasn't even been spent as the majority is set to be spent during 2010-2011. It was nothing but a payoff to Obama's allies.

    Your figures about health care are false. Over two trillion will be spent.

    On the book, I am getting it ready to send to the publisher.

  3. looking forward to the book! remind me to never discuss politics with you, however...
