Monday, January 4, 2010

Getting "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan" Listed

Regarding the listing of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan, I heard back from Martin Arlt, who publishes Mad Scientist magazine, and he was apparently unaware that his books (including back issues) were not listed at ComiXpress. So the both of us will be burning the email lines with their support people to see what's going on.

ComiXpress's FAQ says that in the creator section, there's a place to indicate that the creator wants the book listed for individuals, retailers or both. I reviewed the section and saw nothing (buttons, etc.) that would accomplish this.

As I have already contacted ComiXpress, it may transpire that the Guide will be listed (I hope) by the end of the day. I'll keep you posted.

UPDATE (1/5/10): I heard from ComiXpress and things are progressing. I have approved the PDF proof they sent me. I sent them their set-up payment (I had some extra work done) via Paypal. As soon as that is confirmed, the book will be listed. I expect that to be within 3-5 days from today.

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