Friday, January 22, 2010

L.A. Light Show

Los Angeles, last night, saw a free "light show" courtesy of Mother Nature.

I was heading into downtown Los Angeles from East L.A. last evening when the heavens opened up and put on a spectacular lightning display. Lightning storms are not too frequent in L.A., but they do happen if atmospheric conditions allow.

Perhaps it was a salute to my mom, who, like me, loved to sit and watch lightning storms (we saw some beauts at Zion National Park in Utah).

The lightning display was accompanied by downpours and, for a while, hail.

While spectacular, the display was not up to Chicago standards. One year at G-FEST, we were treated to a display that made it seem as if King Ghidorah were just outside of the hotel. But for L.A. standards, the display was top-notch.

Right now, the skies are clear with a few clouds. I hope this keeps up through tomorrow as we have to move Mom's belongings out of her apartment.

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