Saturday, January 9, 2010

Lunch With Peter H. Brothers

Had lunch today with Mushroom Clouds and Mushroom Men: The Fantastic Cinema of Ishiro Honda author Peter H. Brothers.

What did we have for lunch? Sushi, of course! We met at Crazy Tokyo Sushi in Tarzana.

What did we talk about? Several things. One, being the publication of his aforementioned book. He has plans for promoting it, including a YouTube video.

We also discussed the "Christmas Day Massacre" (this was our first meeting since) and what ramifications it has for the future. Naturally, being in the vortex of it makes me a bit biased on the subject. If one decides to just sit and twiddle their thumbs, potential opportunities will be missed. It is interesting how so many "bodies" have been strewn about over the years since the beginnings of G-Fan magazine. Peter said that he would look at back issues and see group photos and noted people no longer involved for varying reasons. Maybe there's a curse or something.

But as President Nixon used to say, "Remember Lot's wife, don't look back!" (Check your bible.)

We also discussed the mechanics and hassles of getting something published. We kicked around some ideas for promoting his book and The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan. His daughter Jaclyn is a bit of a computer whiz and is helping her dad put together some things. We also marveled at the reach of the Anime News Network with their feeds to other anime fan sites. Both our books have been covered by ANN.

Pete's plans will be announced here when he has completed them.

We also noted with some fascination that the L.A. Lakers lost their game this week against the L.A. Clippers. That's about like Massachusetts going totally Republican!

He is wondering if the interview we did on his book is appearing in the newest G-Fan or if it will appear in a future issue (in light of the aforementioned "Christmas Day Massacre"). I told him, "If not, I'll just post it here." One way or another, it will be available.

Oh, yes. The lunch itself was excellent!

P.S. I also had Pete sign my copy of his book.

1 comment:

  1. If a youtube video is made, I can assure you I can make sure it spreads like wildfire through out the fandom.
