Friday, January 8, 2010

Media and Obama Blame Game

After the Obama Administration initially said "the system worked" (Napalitano), they have shifted gears and are now trying to blame others, with the usual assist by the Obama propagandists in the media.

Predictably, the mainstream media along with the Obama Administration are trying to blame the Bush Administration for the screw-up over the airline bombing attempt on Christmas Day.

They are blaming the mess-up on "the system in place" with Bush bureaucrat hold-overs.

Sorry, there may be hold-overs in the bureaucracy, but the management personnel are appointed by the Obama Administration. Some even floated the balloon that someone in the intelligence services plotted to allow this to happen to make "Obama look bad."

Obama did not bother to make a statement until days later. He didn't want to interrupt his Hawaiian vacation.

Sorry, the continual blame game by the Obama Administration is not fooling anyone as they do it whenever a major screw-up occurs. Which is often.

Remember, we were not attacked following September 11, 2001 to the end of the Bush Administration.

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