Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Mom's Progress

I spoke with my mom's attending physician and he says the problem is a hole in either her stomach or intestine. He's leaning toward stomach. She is going into surgery this afternoon.

I will be at work and on call with the doctor, so check with Maria for any updates.

UPDATE (6:08 PM): She is now being taken to surgery, Amber reports.

UPDATE (6:25 PM): In surgery. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated.

UPDATE (1/14/10, 2:05 am): Mom was taken out of surgery and put into ICU around 8:30 PM. They found 16' of "dead" instestine and a "dead" gall bladder. Both were removed. Their main concern is that she survives the night. Their main concern is that the sepsis (I think that's the term) tissues didn't poison her bloodstream.

Amber and I stayed until early morning at the hospital. Before leaving, I checked with her around-the-clock nurse who said that "it doesn't look good." It appears her kidneys are failing. If there are any further developments, they will call us.

Your prayers are appreciated.

UPDDATE (1/14/10, 6:45 am): No phone calls from the hospital. It means she made it through the night and that gives me some hope. I managed to get 3 hours sleep.

UPDATE (8:45 am): I spoke with the doctor about an hour ago and he said her chances are "slim." They are trying to prevent major organ failure. She's on full life-support.

UPDATE (1:20 PM): No news to report. As my mom herself would say, maybe this is a case of "no news is good news." At least I haven't received any bad news.


  1. Cuz: We are all here for you and Amber. Please reach out. Our love and admiration for your Mom is overwhelming as you know. Prayers are continuing from everyone. Stay strong and believe! We love you

  2. The newer news is scarring me alittle. *starts praying more*

  3. Armand, a notice was posted on the Schutz about your mom. All of our prayers are with you and your mom. Take care. Colete

  4. Merle & Amber:
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. Aunt Mary was a very special lady that will always be remembered. We are here for you and if you need anything, let us know.

    Love you! Lucia
