Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan: Holiday Delay

The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan: Holiday Delay

Since things rarely ever go 100% smoothly, one must roll with it.

It appears that The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan has been delayed due to the holidays. Also, as mentioned previously, they had some equipment "technical difficulties" in December. It was expected to be available on January 4.

ComiXpress is closed from December 24th to January 4th with only a "skeleton crew" on hand.

They were preparing Guide as of December 17th, which was a Thursday (their equipment problems were going on that week). So it is my guess (when you take into consideration the weekend) and three days after the weekend before December 24, I doubt they got finished with it by December 24.

When I get a new (hopefully) firm date, I'll announce it here.

UPDATE: I received this message from a friend from Japan on Facebook today:

I got your book at Parco Book Center! Happy! (=^・^=)/

If this is the case, maybe I was checking the wrong locations at the ComiXpress website. On a hunch that I may find it by locating Martin Arlt's Mad Scientist magazine, I started searching for Mad Scientist. It did not come up anywhere! I know a new issue was recently published and there should be back issues available, but still nothing came up. I guess I'll have wait to hear from ComiXpress on Monday.

I asked my friend if she could take a picture of it (with her in the picture). If she does, and it is indeed available now, then I will make an announcement here.

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