Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What A Day!

What a day! Actually, what a couple of stressful two weeks!

I had my mom hospitalized this morning. She had been feeling ill with a combination of things such as a cold/flu, abdominal pains, low blood pressure and dizziness. This has been pretty much been going on since Christmas. She had been losing weight for a while and doesn't seem to be able to gain weight even though she eats.

After trying to get a hold of her doctor for several days, with no response, I had her taken to a local hospital ER. They found that she has an abdominal infection which could be an intestinal blockage. They will do tests, including a full CAT scan to see what's going on in there and they have her on an IV of anti-biotics.

She's resting comfortably. They also gave her some pain-killers.

Thank goodness my cousin is in the medical field and was able to make more progress with my mom's medical provider than I ever could. She took the bull by the horns and got things done.

More updates as we know more.

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