Sunday, January 24, 2010

"Where Did All This Stuff Come From?"

The packing up of my mom's belongings yesterday went well. We had plenty of help and it made the task easier. My thanks to everyone who pitched in!

My cousin Julie pretty much organized things. I found myself too scatter-brained to do it. I feel like an overloaded circuit. I am still numb from my mom's sudden passing, although the shock is gone.

Now I have to figure out what to keep and what to donate. I think the clothing will be donated. Amber inquired about Haitian earthquake relief, but she found that all they are interested in are cash donations, not clothing. The clothing items will most likely go to either Goodwill or A.I.D.S. research (through their "Out of the Closet" thrift stores).

The remaining items will be put into the storage unit my mom and I already have. It is pretty much full now. What I'll end up doing is to take everything that's in it out and then re-pack it in with the new additions.

It is amazing at how much stuff my mom had. When one walked into her apartment, it didn't seem like she had too much stuff, but once things came out of cupboards, closets, drawers, etc., that's when the size of the job hits you. It kind of makes you scratch your head wondering, "Where did all this stuff come from?"

One funny thing, my mom always razzed my dad and me for being packrats (my dad especially, with his garages being legendary). In going through her stuff, I found that she wasn't immune to packratitus either.

One thing is for certain, you're born with no worldly goods and you die with no worldly goods. You leave this earth with everything you came into it with. The old saying is true: You Can't Take It With You!

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