Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Coffee and Computers Don't Mix

Last week, I managed to get my old computer running again.

Yesterday, I got up to go into another room and my sleeve caught on one of my chairs and a little coffee from the coffee cup I had in my hand slopped over and landed on my laptop's keyboard. Oh, crap!

About a third of the keys wouldn't work. I immediately unplugged it and removed the battery. I also put it upside down so that any coffee would drain out, rather than go further into the machine. I let it sit for 2 hours.

Today, I plugged it back in and tried out the keyboard. Only two keys wouldn't work: the 'n' and comma keys. I cleaned both keys' contacts to get any dried coffee residue with alcohol. I waited for them to dry for a while and then fired it up.

Well, I got the 'n' key working but the comma key still isn't. I'll have to try and clean it out again later and see if it'll start working again.

How am I getting by typing this without a working comma key? No, I'm not using my other computer. What I did was copy a comma from an old document and pasted it onto a new document file titled "Comma." When I need a comma, I just paste it into position. So that's how I am able to work around it.

It has been said that things "happen for a reason." That's probably why I got my old computer working again last week. At least I am still able to use the laptop and found a way to temporarily solve the comma problem.

I understand that if I had sugar in my coffee, my computer problems would've been worse.

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