Monday, August 22, 2011

10 Awesomely Bad Films With Cult Followings

This little item came across my desk.

10 Awesomely Bad Films With Cult Followings by an online college group is an interesting list.

They describe their compilation as follows:

Bad movies come in all shapes and sizes: boring, too long, filled with plot holes or terrible actors. But there's a strange phenomenon that can occur when these bad-film qualities and others are combined in the right proportions. The movie becomes a cult classic, so ridiculous or poorly made that people can't help but be entertained by it. Here are 10 enjoyably bad movies that have gained cult followings for their strangeness, low budgets, or campy qualities.

I've some of these movies and I concur that they belong on the list. How many do you have?

To view the site, go here.

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