Sunday, August 7, 2011

August Off To A Good Start

August is starting out well as sales of The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan are coming in.

Left, Miki with "The Monster Movie Fan's Guide To Japan." Photo by Armand Vaquer.

All the promotional work I've done is paying off over the long haul. The article "Japan Safe For Monster Fan Tourists" (which includes a link to ComiXpress's page for the guide) has gone viral. A large part of the credit is the posting by the Anime News Network. ANN's reach in the worldwide web is enormous.

It is a satisfying feeling to actually get things accomplished instead of being mired in petty B.S. that infests many fandoms. I am enjoying just doing my own thing.

The days are starting to get shorter and before we know it summer will be over. I am looking into travel shows that will be taking place for more sales.

Further things are in the works that will be coming this fall.

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