Saturday, August 6, 2011

Downgrade of U.S. Credit Rating

The news just keeps on getting worse and worse.

Here's the latest from

The downgrade of the U.S.’s AAA credit rating by Standard & Poor’s darkens President Barack Obama’s re-election chances while also damaging members of Congress from both parties as they prepare for the 2012 campaign, political analysts said.

With Obama’s job-approval rating at 48 percent and an all- time high of 82 percent of Americans giving Congress negative marks in a New York Times/CBS News Poll taken this week, the downgrade will hurt the president and lawmakers by fueling economic uncertainty, possibly raising interest rates and wounding national pride, analysts said.

If Obama can make a huge mess in two and a half years, just think of the mess if he's given another four-year term!

Read more on Downgrade May Cloud Obama Re-election Bid

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