Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Matsushima Bay's Tourist Numbers Drop

Above, Godaido Temple with Matsushima Bay businesses in the background. Photo by Armand Vaquer.

Matsushima Bay is one of my favorite places in Japan. I was concerned about it following the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

Fortunately, the bay itself was spared severe damage. Unfortunately, even though it was spared severe damage, the tourist numbers have plummeted.

The Japan Times has an article on the state of tourism to Matsushima:

MATSUSHIMA, Miyagi Pref. — Matsuo Basho, arguably Japan's most famous haiku poet, is said to have been at a loss for words when he first saw the hundreds of pine-clad islets scattered around Matsushima Bay during a 17th-century journey to the Tohoku region.

When the monster March 11 tsunami wiped out towns all along the Sanriku coast, killing or leaving thousands of people missing in Miyagi Prefecture, Matsushima's famed cluster of about 260 islets served as a natural buffer, weakening the impact of the waves and largely sparing the coastal town from utter devastation, despite its proximity to the 9.0-magnitude quake's epicenter.

But while the beauty of Matsushima — revered as one of Japan's three most scenic spots — was preserved, a plunge in tourists is hindering the community's efforts to come back from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

To see the full article, go here.

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