Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Godzilla Continuity Error?

While perusing the original Japanese version of Godzilla (1954), I saw something that I never noticed before.

During Godzilla's rampage in Tokyo, the Wako Department Store in Ginza is demolished by the beast after the clock on the building gongs the hour (above picture). A scant minute or so later, there is a shot of the burning Tokyo skyline with Godzilla in the background (in the form of a puppet). In this scene, Ginza is clearly shown including what appears to be the Wako Department Store with its clock tower INTACT. The Morinaga globe sign was about a block away from the Wako Department Store and is shown near what appears to be the Wako Clock Tower.

Above, could this (see arrow) be the Wako Department Store clock
 tower in Ginza in a scene AFTER Godzilla already destroyed it?

Could this be a little continuity error?

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