Thursday, October 20, 2011

Gaddafi Dead

Above, the alleged death photo of ex-Libyan dictator Gaddafi.

According to Reuters:

SIRTE, Libya (Reuters) - Disturbing images of a blood-stained and shaken Muammar Gaddafi being dragged around by angry fighters quickly circulated around the world after the Libyan dictator's dramatic death near his home town of Sirte.

The exact circumstances of his demise are still unclear with conflicting accounts of his death emerging. But the footage, possibly of the last chaotic moments of Gaddafi's life, offered some clues into what happened.

Gaddafi was still alive when he was captured near Sirte. In the video, filmed by a bystander in the crowd and later aired on television, Gaddafi is shown being dragged off a vehicle's bonnet and pulled to the ground by his hair.

He is said to have been beaten and shot in the head, according to reports.

The question for today is: Where's the bin Laden death photos?


  1. He dead for Happy Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. That photo is damn creepy.

  3. I'm not rejoicing this. All the bad press regarding Gaddafi was shear propaganda. By the accounts of his own countrymen, he was an extremely fair ruler. I suppose that's why the Jews needed him dead and discredited. God save the money grubbing Jew.

  4. @Allison: You disgust me with your virulent anti-Semitism, and your ignorance. Ghaddafi, your "extremely fair ruler" is estimated to have amassed 200 billion dollars FROM HIS OWN PEOPLE, making him the wealthiest man ON EARTH. So, let's hear for your "moneygrubbing Jews". Idiot.
