Monday, November 14, 2011

U.S. Supreme Court To Decide Constitutionality of Obamacare

The U.S. Supreme Court announced today that it will decide the constitutionality Obamacare. The main issue of Obamacare is the individual mandate provision that requires all Americans to buy health insurance or be fined. This probision violates individual rights, according to opponents of the health care law.

Obamacare's consititutionality is being challenged by 26 states and the National Federation of Independent Business.

In an unprecedented move, the Court will allow five and a half hours of oral arguments. Oral arguments would probably be held in late February or March.

A ruling is expected by July 2012, which is in the midst of the presidential election. It is certain that a ruling striking down Obamacare will set off political fireworks.


  1. If you hate OUR country and OUR president so much, you should just move to your beloved Japan and stop polluting the world with your hateful, obtuse opinions.

    It is easy to criticize the people trying to do something to make our world better, especially when you yourself have done absolutely nothing, except spend all of your time promoting another country's tourism industry. Makes you wonder where your loyalties lie.

  2. Where do you get the idea I "hate"
    "OUR country"? I detest the policies Obama and his party shoved down our throats.

    It is interesting that you make your accusations while remaining anonymous. Pretty gutsy of you.

  3. actually, my anonymity is not interesting at all, as my name (Claudia) changes nothing about the issue.

    what IS interesting, however, is that your blog is full of hateful propaganda against our country's president who, by the way, was democratically elected by American citizens and represents what the majority of Americans believe in.

    what is also interesting, is that while doing nothing productive to help our country, you actively promote tourism to Japan (while omitting any negative aspects of that country).

    Japan - the only country to ever stage an attack on American soil, killing thousands of Americans in pearl Harbor as well as in the battles that followed.

    Japan - a society so perverse that they sell dirty (used) panties from vending machines on the street.

    Thanks, but no thanks!

  4. Claudia wrote:

    "...represents what the majority of Americans believe in."

    Maybe in an alternate universe. His poll numbers don't reflect your statement. His poll numbers are now lower than Jimmy Carter's at the same point in office.

    Your comments on Japan re: Pearl Harbor omits the fact that the current generation of Japanese had nothing to do with World War II. So they have panties in vending machines, that means the whole JP society deserves to be condemned?

    I've been to Japan six times and found the Japanese people friendly and hospitable. You should go there some time. You may just like it.
