Monday, January 30, 2012

10 Best Travel Writing Books of All Time

Above, Mount Fuji through the haze.

This item came across my desk this morning. It is a post on “10 Best Travel Writing Books of All Time.”

It starts with:

The transforming power of a journey is a literary theme dating back to when the first humans gathered around the fire to share their stories. Non-fictional travel writing goes back a ways too, but may include some creative license on the part of the author in an effort to tell a good story. Mark Twain's A Tramp Abroad is one such example. Below are ten books about the transformative power of travel, some well-known, some not so well-known, and a few by authors you may not have associated with the travel writing genre.

I found it to be an interesting post. To view it and the ten best, go here.

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