Tuesday, August 28, 2012

1980 Republican National Convention Photos

Above, a view of Ronald Reagan during his acceptance speech from the convention floor in Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, Michigan.
More so this year than previous years, this election year reminds me a lot of the 1980 election year.

Back in 1980, we had a liberal Democrat in the White House (Jimmy Carter) who made a mess of things, in domestic and defense policy.  We find ourselves in a similar situation, the only difference was that Jimmy Carter was a buffoon and Barack Obama is a true believer in radicalism.

In 1980, it took a former governor, Ronald Reagan, to beat Carter and get the country back in the right direction.  This year, it will take another former governor, Mitt Romney, to beat Obama in order to get the country back in the right direction again.

Funny how history seems to repeat itself.

As this year reminds me of 1980, I went through my 1980 GOP National Convention photo album and scanned a few photos taken during the convention.  I was a member of the California Delegation.

Above, here I am with Rick Stevenson (center) and Arleigh Kerr (right) at Fort Malden, outside of Windsor, Canada. Windsor is just across the Detroit River from Detroit.

Above, here I am in Detroit at the 1980 GOP National Convention.

Above, here I am again at the convention, different night.

Above, Ronald Reagan delivering his acceptance speech.

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