Thursday, August 30, 2012

Clint Eastwood At GOP National Convention

Photo: A.P.

Clint Eastwood appeared at the 2012 GOP National Convention in a somewhat bizarre talk with an empty chair (representing President Obama).  He seemed at times to be channeling Jimmy Stewart.

He did manage to get a few digs in.  One dig was at Vice President Joe Biden, calling him "the intellectual" of the Democratic Party.  He also said that politicians are our "employees" and if they aren't doing the job, they must go.

Eastwood wasn't the first Hollywood star to address a Republican convention.  John Wayne addressed the 1968 Republican National Convention.  If memory serves, Clark Gable addressed the GOP convention in 1956(?).

The first time I saw Eastwood in-person at a political gathering was at the 1972 Nixon Victory Party at the Century Plaza Hotel.  This was a year or so after Dirty Harry.  The next was at the 1980 Reagan Victory Party (also at the Century Plaza).  I was at a private reception at that one (as I was a Reagan area chairman) and Eastwood (along with then-girlfriend Sondra Locke) mingled with the attendees.  I managed to get his autograph on my invitation.

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