Sunday, August 19, 2012

Corn Status

With all the media talk about the country-wide drought floating around with corn being hit hard, I started getting somewhat concerned.

That concern was mitigated by the fact that we have a good well on the farm property that my parents put in back in the late-1970s.

My tenant in Nebraska reported that the "corn crops look great" and "not to read too much into what the news is saying."  Our water situation is "good."

He also reports that the "price is very good."  We have "about one week of irrigation to go" before harvest time.  The price is very good due to the demand for ethanol and that some corn growing areas have been hit by the drought, thereby cutting into the supply.

This all comes as a relief and confirmation that we're in great shape this year.  This should be an excellent crop year.  Just hope we have no hail or wind storms coming through before harvesting.

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